Donkey Kong Country
Game Genie Codes

Donkey Kong Country Snes Codes

How can you make the greatest platformer ever made even better? Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo you would think can’t get any better. We covered all the cheats and walkthrough in our other article. But Game Genie codes… Yes thats how! If you didn’t know in the ninties there were cartridges that basically unlocked lines of code for almost all the games. Giving you access to re-writing the rules.

Are There Game Genie Codes For Donkey Kong Country?

Yes, alot. Each of them giving a unique experience. For Donkey Kong Country, the Game Genie codes offered a new dimension of excitement, turning the already engaging gameplay into an adventure full of surprises. You could explore the game’s world with unprecedented freedom, discovering secret paths, and overcoming obstacles with ease.

There were four versions of Donkey Kong Country in North America alone. Each of these had minor changes to the code. There are two two codes try each to see which version your cartridge is.

Game Genie Code Effect
C2C9-4E2C / C2C1-4A9C Infinite lives
D568-C34D / D568-C33D Start with 8 lives
DC68-C34D / DC68-C33D Start with 11 lives
DE68-C34D / DE68-C33D Start with 16 lives
FB68-C34D / FB68-C33D Start with 26 lives
7468-C34D / 7468-C33D Start with 51 lives
0868-C34D / 0868-C33D Start with 76 lives
1768-C34D / 1768-C33D Start with 100 lives
EE65-C37E / EE66-C27E When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns (You must have had both Kongs at some point in the level for the code to work and you will need to reset if you get stuck.)
1DCC-CA7A / 1DCA-C2EA Almost invincible (Switch off if you get stuck)
DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD / DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D 10 bananas needed for an extra life
F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD / F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D 25 bananas needed for an extra life
7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD / 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D 50 bananas needed for an extra life
0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD / 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D 75 bananas needed for an extra life
1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D / 1D6B-3D6D + 166A-3ECD Keep animals between stages (Keeping fish on a non-water stage or others on a water stage will cause problems, so be careful of this.)
A081-1273 / A086-13E3 High jump for Donkey Kong
2D81-1273 / 2D86-13E3 Super jump for Donkey Kong
3D81-1273 / 3D86-13E3 Mega-jump for Donkey Kong
8081-1E73 / 808B-1AE3 High jump for Diddy Kong
AD81-1E73 / AD8B-1AE3 Super jump for Diddy Kong
2D81-1E73 / 2D8B-1AE3 Mega-jump for Diddy Kong
A08F-C273 / A087-C3E3 High jump for all animals
2D8F-C273 / 2D87-C3E3 Super jump for all animals
3D8F-C273 / 3087-C3E3 Mega-jump for all animals
D76B-337E / D76C-327E Get both Kongs back on the map screen after dying (This doesn’t work when you fall off-screen)
DD8B-C28A / DD88-CE5A In the 2-Player Team Mode, the inactive player can get control at any time by pressing A or SELECT on their controller
DDB9-3DD4 / DDB0-34A4 Pressing Start and then Select will exit any level, not just completed levels

How to use Donkey Kong Country Game Genie codes on SNES9x?

Okay, so we get this all the time. We dont have the money to buy the old consoles, games or even find a CRT tv. Let alone a Game Genie. We know most of you are using emulation in one way or another. Which is why we always add this section.

To relive the nostalgia of using Game Genie codes for Donkey Kong Country on the SNES9x emulator, follow these simple steps:

Launch SNES9x: Open the SNES9x emulator and load the Donkey Kong Country.

Access Game Genie Codes: Right here on our site of course!

Enter the Codes: Now, enter the Donkey Kong Country Game Genie codes you want to use.

Apply the Codes: After entering the codes, apply them to the game. In SNES9x, this is usually done by clicking an “Apply” or “OK” button in the Game Genie codes menu.

Start the Game: Start the game with the Game Genie codes applied. You’ll now experience the game with the added advantages and modifications provided by the codes.

Thats it! Enjoy the game and load those qwerks up!


Morter 4K

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