Game Genie Codes

FZero Snes Codes

fzero cartridge

Okay so we are back on Super Nintendo with the racer we all love to hate. FZero. We covered all the tracks, levels and lack of free cheats in our other FZero Cheats article. But Game Genie codes… Oh yeah! This is as GameGenie ads of the 90s would say “A Game Changer” literally.

Absolutely, some good ones too if you struggle like I do. Every single one of these codes grants a one-of-a-kind experience.  This codes allow you to navigate the F Zero with an unmatched sense of liberation, uncovering concealed routes, and elegantly conquering challenges that once appeared insurmountable. Damn you Big Blue!

Interestingly, focusing on F-Zero specifically, these Game Genie codes provide an intriguing insight into the game’s inner workings. They transform an already exhilarating experience into something even more dynamic, allowing you to reshape the parameters of the game and tailor your adventure to your liking. This level of customization adds a new layer of engagement, fostering a sense of personal connection with the game’s mechanics.

There might be slight variations in the codes across different releases (Japan I think has some variants), so it’s recommended to try out the codes for your specific version. This ensures that you’re unleashing the full potential of your F-Zero experience, enhancing your mastery of the tracks and your dominance over 2056!

Game Genie Code Effect
A96E-A4A4 Infinite Spare Machines
DF6C-0F0A Start With 1 Spare Machine
D96C-0F0A Start With 5 Spare Machines
DB6C-0F0A Start With 9 Spare Machines
D484-D404 Infinite Turbos
CB3C-0FA4 DF3C-04D4 Always Rank #1 (Except If You Blow Up)
D4B8-D4D4 Walls Do Not Damage You
A96E-A4A4 CB3C-0FA4 DF3C-04D4 Drive Through Walls
A9C3-6F66 D433-0D6F Drive Through Walls (Alternative)
7EOCF301 Infinite Turbo Boosts
7E00CA0B Infinite Power
7E005908 Infinite Lives
7E115000 Always Finish First
0080C9FF Infinite Energy
008BFBC5 Infinite Spare Machines
00B82902 Infinite Turbos
00E9A7A9 Always Rank #1 (Except If You Blow Up)
0381A501 Start With 1 Spare Machine
0381A505 Start With 5 Spare Machines
0381A509 Start With 9 Spare Machines


How to use F Zero Game Genie codes on SNES9x?

Buy a CRT. Okay just kidding we all love the emulation family out there. Which is why we always add this section.

If you are firing up Snes9X to replay F Zero, follow these simple steps:

Launch SNES9x: Open the SNES9x emulator and load the FZero.

Access Game Genie Codes: Right here on our site of course!

Enter the Codes: Now, enter the FZero Game Genie codes you want to use.

Apply the Codes: After entering the codes, apply them to the game. In SNES9x, this is usually done by clicking an “Apply” or “OK” button in the Game Genie codes menu.

Start the Game: Start the game with the Game Genie codes applied. You’ll now experience the game with the added advantages and modifications provided by the codes.

Thats it! Rip it up.


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